28 May 2013

Django Unchained

Django: Jamie Foxx
Dr. King Schultz: Christoph Waltz
Calvin Candie: Leonardo DiCaprio
Broomhilda von Shaft: Kerry Washington
Stephen: Samuel L. Jackson

Plot Summary
Django Unchained is set in Texas, in the year 1858. 2 years before the American Civil War. A German born, former dentist turned bounty hunter named Dr. King Schultz seeks out a brutalised slave, Django. Schultz offers to buy his freedom in exchange for helping him to track down 3 slave owners wanted for murder called the Brittle brothers. Django accepts in order to gain his total freedom and find his wife who was sold separately in Greenville. He partners with Schultz through the Winter and is trained  to become his apprentice. As the working partnership draws to an end, Schultz speaks about how he still feels that he is responsible for Django and is driven to help him on his quest to rescue his wife, Broomhilda. Retrieving her is the new mission which Schultz, a proud German and believer in traditional, romantic fairy tales willingly assists with, as long as Django remains his partner. Eventually the pair learn that she was sold to a plantation called Candyland in Mississippi belonging to a mercilessly savage owner; Calvin Candie. The comrades know that  they cannot expect Candie to entertain offers for the release of Broomhilda, especially if they are forthright with their request. So, they devise a cunning plan whereby they are welcomed into the plantation. They use the diversion to their advantage as they attempt to reclaim Broomhilda.