17 April 2013

Greatest Late Directors

Alfred Hitchcock
Howard Hawks
Stanley Kubrick

Orson Welles
Elia Kazan
Jean Renoir
Fritz Lang
Buster Keaton
John Cassavetes

Charlie Chaplin
Frank Capra
Federico Fellini
John Hughes
George Cukor

David Lean
Billy Wilder

Sergio Leone
Sergio Corbucci
Tony Scott

Joseph L. Mankiewicz
Cecil. B. DeMille

Vincente Minnelli
Ingmar Bergman
Sam Peckinpah
John Ford

Yasujirō Ozu
Otto Preminger
William Wyler

Arthur Penn
John Huston

Josef von Sternberg
Michael Curtiz

Raoul Walsh
D.W. Griffith

Robert Wise
Sidney Lumet

Howard Hughes
Carol Reed
Akira Kurosawa

Francois Truffaut
Sydney Pollack


  1. You're just incredible, your stuff is all wow, you are majorly impressive! Especially for someone so young.

  2. So much variety here and a great selection of very important, life - changing and influential directors. You definitely know your stuff, nice to see someone so young have such a refined and cultured taste.
    Love the fact that they're not all American and British directors, so annoying and imperialistic when people think they are the only ones that changed film. Kurosawa was a legend.
    Not a lot of individuality going on in the film industry these days, it's all very contrived and artificial, very few have their own stamp of style. Ah, nothing like the golden ages of film!

  3. Thank you very much! :) There are some incredible directors from all around the world!

  4. I adore Kubrick and Kazan, true innovators!
